Tree Open House is set for December 18th from 8:30 AM -4:00 PM


Mountain Ash


Family: Rosaceae. Latin Name: Sorbus americana. Common Name(s): American Mountain ash. Deciduous or Evergreen: Deciduous. Native Range: Northeastern North America. USDA Hardiness Zone: 2-6. Mature Height: 20-30′. Mature Spread: 15-20′. Bloom Time: June – July. Native to Minnesota: Yes. Shade Tolerant: Partial: cool forest, swamps, stream banks, forest edges, rocky shores, bluffs. American Mountain-ash reaches the western edge of its range in Minnesota and typically grows as a small tree in swamps and cool, moist, forested edges, but in drier or harsher conditions, such as the rocky north shore of Lake Superior, it can take on a smaller, more shrub-like growth. It is easily mistaken for the related, and much more common, Showy Mountain-ash (Sorbus decora), and it is highly likely that the 2 herbarium records on the county distribution map that are outside of the Arrowhead region are actually S. decora. It has leaflets that are less than 3.3 times as long as wide (divide length by width to determine), typically hairy along veins on the underside, and has somewhat larger flowers and fruits (both to ½ inch). European Mountain-ash (Sorbus aucuparia), a landscape tree than occasionally escapes cultivation, also has smaller leaflets, about half the size of American Mountain-ash, and is hairy on leaf stalks, sepals, buds, and leaflets, and the terminal tooth on leaflets is much the same as the lateral teeth, not slender and elongated. Note that Mountain-ash is unrelated to Ash trees (Fraxinus species) and not at risk from emerald ash borer. Excerpted from and for more information see:

This product is sold in seedling size (18-24″) bundles of 25. (Not fully grown) No Guarantee can be made for tree(s) survival.

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