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There are many ways to protect soil, below are a few great ways to consider!  

Use geo-textile materials: Use geo-textile materials or other methods like sodding or hydroseeding to establish permanent cover. 

Reduce tillage: Avoid working wet soil and reduce traffic and tillage operations. 

Rotate crops: Planting a variety of crops over multiple growing seasons improves soil health and nutrient content. 

Cover crops: Plant annual grasses, small grains, legumes, and other vegetation to provide a temporary cover. 

Mulch: Mulching helps reduce soil erosion. 

Plant windbreaks: Plant windbreaks on the west, southwest, or northwest boundary of a field to reduce wind speed. 

Use compost and animal manures: Composting food and garden waste returns nutrients to the soil. 

Reduce chemical use: Use fewer chemical products like pesticides in gardens. 

Reduce food waste: Reducing food waste prevents nutrients from ending up in landfills. 

Protect forests: Planting more trees and protecting forests helps prevent soil erosion. 

Use terracing and contour farming: These techniques help prevent soil erosion on steep slopes or in areas with intense rainfall. 

Use crushed stone and wood chips: In areas where vegetation is hard to establish, use crushed stone and wood chips to help protect the soil.